Even though we are in the middle of the summer vacations, work on the project continues diligently. To coordinate the ongoing work and plan the next steps and fall activities, the team members met virtually with Zoom to a summer meeting. The team discussed the current status of their work on the course module content. They have made good progress, and various documents necessary for the course creating have been created, peer reviewed, and prepared for translation.
The document “Flipped Instructional Design: Implementation of the 187 Global Elements of Efficient Flipped Learning” is ready for quality review, followed by translation. This document provides on approximately 80 pages a comprehensive description of the Instructional Design, based on Flipped Learning 3.0.
The team also discussed the different meanings of “review”. They clarified that there are two different approaches to review in this project: review in the jointly creating process of documents and the quality review of the quality of a final document. They elaborated on the main differences between these two approaches.
The next meetings will focus on clarifying the association founding, finishing the activities to create the content framework for the course modules, starting the content implementation, and planning the Kalamata meeting, hosted by K.A.NE.