The Association

The association is named “Association for the Promotion and Development of the ‘Digital Competencies Passport’,” commonly abbreviated as “DigiComPass.” It is a non-profit organization with no intent of making a profit. The association’s activities are focused on:

  • Managing and further developing the training course “DigiComPass,” which was created by the Transnational Project Group as part of the Erasmus+ Project 2022-1-CY01-KA220-ADU-000085965 and is offered as an Open Educational Resource (OER).
  • Promoting the DigiComPass training course throughout Europe.
  • Facilitating networking among members who provide the training course.
  • Providing ongoing education to members and others interested in the aforementioned course.

The association’s purpose is to be achieved through non-material and material means, as specified in the sections above. Non-material resources include:

  1. Lectures and assemblies, both virtual and in-person.
  2. Participation in and hosting of international conferences.
  3. Discussion events.
  4. Publication of materials.
  5. Establishment of a virtual library.

The necessary financial resources to fulfil the association’s purpose are to be raised through:

  1. Entry fees and membership dues.
  2. Donations from supporting members.
  3. Proceeds from publications.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.