Learning Platform

This innovative online training course is designed for adult learners based on the Flipped Learning 3.0 model and aligned with the DigComp 2.2 framework (of the European Commission). Hosted on the University of Cyprus’s online platform, it features five modules developed collaboratively by international partners. The course integrates interactive multimedia tools, including H5P and podcasts, to balance theoretical knowledge with practical application. Its engaging and dynamic approach fosters active learning and equips participants with the digital competencies to apply their expertise in collaborative settings. Positive evaluations highlight its high-quality content and practical design.

The Learning Platform

The platform is implemented with Moodle and provides several languages.

Training Course

Start page (in MOODLE) of the DigiComPass Training Course

Here is the link to the learning platform. The content is used for the Individual Learning Space. Everybody may use the self-enrolment and take each of the provided five modules.

Training course: DigiComPass Training Course
Quick access: learn.digicompass.eu (This link may not work with all available browsers).